Individual Campus Tour

The experience is worth the trip!

We believe the best way to decide if Boise Bible College is right for you is a campus tour! During your visit, you’ll have the opportunity to tour our beautiful campus and meet the people who make Boise Bible College great: faculty, staff, and students.

Boise Bible College offers campus visits Monday through Friday at 10:00 am and 4:00 pm. We ask that you allow at least one week’s notice for planning purposes, but we’ll make anything work!

If you wish to stay on campus, let us know!

Schedule a tour today and attend to receive a $500 Investment Scholarship and App Fee Waiver Code!

Your Campus visit may include:

  • 30-minute tour
  • 30-minute Q & A with Admissions Counselor and Department Head of the interested degree program

Offered During the Fall and Spring in-person tours:

  • Attend Chapel – Tuesday and Thursday, 9:40 – 10:30 am
  • Sit in on a class
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