Academic Resources

Find the help you need.

At Boise Bible College, we’re committed to connecting you to the resources you need to succeed. Below are a few resources we offer to current students to help them achieve success.


The library has the tools you need to succeed and take full advantage of the many resources available.

  • Discover Resources: Current students, faculty, and staff can search over 35,000 titles and 60 periodicals.
  • Prepare for classes: All required textbooks are available for students to use in the library.
  • Check out: Your Student Card is your library card – bring it to check out any book.
  • Study: Come find your favorite table, couch, or nook to study.
  • Research assistance: Contact any library worker.
  • Questions: Contact the Librarian or Librarian Assistant.

When classes are in session, library hours are:

Monday – Thursday: 8am-10pm
Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm & 6pm-9pm
Sunday: 6pm-9pm

To visit our Library page go HERE.

Citation & Paper Format

Boise Bible requires a specific citation and paper format for all academic papers at Boise Bible College. When you become a student, your instructor will communicate their preferred citation style. Style guides or paper samples are available in the library or HERE.

Computers & Copying

The computer lab and printing can be found in the library. Students must use their student login to access the computers. Printing is included in your student fees for the semester. 

A copy machine is located behind the circulation desk. Copies are 10 cents per page and can be paid at the circulation desk with cash/coin or card. If payment is by card there will be a small convenience fee.

Class Schedules

In order for students to graduate on time, some classes are set in the morning “blocks”. “Blocks” A – E are classes offered once a week for the entire semester. Students can take as many “block” classes as they wish and depending on the required classes needed for the degree.

View 2024-2025 Line Schedules Here

Ordering Textbooks

Students are responsible for ordering their own textbooks through the distributor of their choice. Boise Bible College doesn’t operate a bookstore. Textbooks are available from a variety of sources online or see the BBC Book Sell, Swap, and Buy Facebook page.

View Current Textbook Lists Here


Internships and experiences outside of the classroom are integral parts of the education at Boise Bible College. Most Bachelor's degrees require juniors and seniors to participate in supervised ministry experience in the field for which they are making preparation. Character formation is a primary goal of the internship process, as well as learning skills for ministry.

Students can find additional information and internship handbooks on the Internship page.

If you are a church or organization looking for interns, you will find additional information on our Friends of Boise Bible Page.

Disability Support Services

Boise Bible College will make reasonable accommodations for qualified students in keeping with federal law and remaining consistent with the academic integrity of the college.

Students with physical or learning disabilities who require accommodations in order to access educational opportunities at BBC are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Services office at  or by calling 208-376-7731. 

Documentation of diagnosis of a disability may be required in order to secure these services. Any documentation provided by the student will be used to determine what level of accommodation may be required and will be kept confidential.

For additional information about academic policies see our catalog.

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